Monday, March 28, 2011

As we all now Web MD the web site is a site where common people can receive information regarding health care. One of the main concern is will the internet change the way of medicine. Will the doctor patients practice go back into the early 1800’s when the doctor visit the patients at home. According to Dr. Paolo Zamboni he believe that some patients who share their information online through email, social networking, and discussion boards are “in some case altering the research agenda in fields such as cancer, with alternative medicine and multiple sclerosis” (Branswell, 2010, Para 5). The internet health care has changed the way patients think about their symptoms and the medicine they take.
Most drug use for cancer patients needs to be tested first by using experimental drug or therapies. So science can make sure they are save and useful to each patient (Branswell 2010, Para 6). One drug that might work for one patient with the same diagnose may not work on another patient. Patients use the internet to become more informed of their health and or conditions. This “access to health care information has changed how we think about our symptoms and the way we think about medicine”(Warner, 2010 Para 2).
There has been many programs like My Health info and Google Health. Site like this help people save trips to the hospital, because they can track their blood pressure or cholesterol over time. The iphone or the iphone stethoscope has over 3,000 applications that deals with health (Warner, 2010 Para 1). Where a patient can mange his or her medical history and Medications. We could connect a site to Web MD that would change the health care industry forever. Find top physician in their operating field. That willing to be online doctors were they consult with their patience. Even psychologist can prosper from online patients care. Cutting waiting room times, because the doctors will talk to their patients online. Like an home health care over the internet.
Why it could work
 Live highly recommend physician and psychologist could have live but private chat rooms.
 Doctor patient access to record keeping
 Doctor can view a chart of patient without being present and give them feed back, and what their best options could be.
 especially for someone planning for surgeries online they can find the best physician possible
 Get two to three opinion from physician in on day or hour.
 See feedback of doctor other patients
 Big for psychologist who can charge patients per chat.
 Can open a stream line of doctor over the world.
 Are some doctor doing this already?
 Future of medicine surgery over the internet. Will it add or cut cost of Medicare.
 How this can help solve our health care problems
If have any feed back on how this can help our heath care problem in the worl feel free to express your thoughts and feelings.


  1. While I'm sure the ideas are coming from a good place, I don't think it's a good idea to use mobile apps and chatrooms for medical diagnosis or treatment. This would be a violation of HIPAA laws with regards to protecting privacy. In a chatroom, there's no guarantee that both parties are who they say they are. The expectation of privacy is unreasonable when using a public domain, i.e. library computers. I recognize that these methods are convenient and cost-effective but they aren't realistic.

  2. I have always had a open mind to the issue of using these type of sites. It fit with what has always been the corner stone of medicine. That is that the doctor works from the information he recieves from the patient. These sites will only enhance the process with lending to the knowledge of the patient. I think this medical phenomenon will only serve for the betterment of medical treatment.

  3. I was thinking the same thing that was posted on March 28, 2011. I mean it is pretty interesting to consider specking to your doctor live from home although yes it isnt safe due to lack of privacy becauser you wouldnt be able to know if that person is who they say they are. If there were a way to make this happen and it be ok then it would be convenient for alot of people.

  4. I agree with Medical Fanatics about the privacy issues with HIPAA and all. I typed in a question a few weeks ago, and I just wanted to see what the outcome would be. I asked my question and it said that a doctor was online to answer my question, and it had a square to click on to get your answer, and I clicked on it. A page popped up that wanted me to type in my credit card information. I thought to myself, "I'll just call my doctor's office." And then I got to wondering how many people actually pay for this??

  5. Although having chat rooms with "doctors" or using medical apps for their own health benefits, people will never know who they are actually speaking to, this also can connect with first diagnosing themselves. The only difference is that you are actually chatting and as far as the apps goes, it is the same as using online sources to look up your symptoms. As well as what Jackie responded to, it is agreeable that the privacy of HIPAA will be violated and I guess, it is just better to go see your primary doctor for any reason.
