Thursday, February 24, 2011

Are patient-provider relationships at risk?

Patients who look to the internet (also known as e-patients) are more educated on health related issues and their own health. E-patients use the internet on a wide range of medical related topics. Many patients find the information the same or even better than the information provided by their primary care physicians. While some patients do not discuss the information they find, others communicate what they learn with their doctors.The patients that do indeed communicate with their providers find the information to be of better quality. Primary care providers should consider that patients are using the World Wide Web as a source of medcial and health information, as well as taking suggestions from medical websites. As a result of this information from the internet, patient-provider relationship may change and medical providers could face a new challenge as their patients continue to obtain health information from various websites without sharing any info with the doctors. Others may potentially turn to the internet for care without consulting their providers.


  1. I do not think that it is wrong to self-diagnose, but if it is something major I believe that these people should go to their primary care physicians. To use the internet as a resource to find medical information on symptoms you may have is only safe if the websites you go on are credible. The internet is a place where you can put anything on which is not a good thing. I like how you talked about how the people look up information and share it with their doctors. I have done that before and I find it to be very useful information on what their feedback is.

  2. I agree that there should be a relationship with patients their doctor.I also believe that some people do not like to tell their doctors everything or dont feel comfortable because they may be embarresed. There for the inernet may be better for people who may be ashmed to tell their doctor something in person. It might acctully make alot more people healthier because some people are terrified to even go to the doctor. They could just go online get the information they need and feel good about theirself without the whole in person situation.

  3. I think it's a good idea for patients to take a proactive step in educating themselves regarding their health. The credible sites can provide a starting point for diagnosis and assist the patient in terms of knowing what types of questions to ask during their annual check-ups. The physician can dispel any myths the patient may have come across via the internet and proceed with the appropriate care plan.

  4. I think this a great research tool for people. But these websites should be approached with care. Before one decides to give himself medical treatment he or she must consult more than one source. I think seeing the doctor would be helpful in getting a faster treatment. But today health care is so unafordable that I think more people will turn to the internet instead.
