Monday, February 14, 2011

Can diagnosing over the internet cause stress?

Self diagnosing through the Internet can be an easy way to come up with a fast diagnosis without leaving home, but with the amounts of information that exist on the web finding reliable sources can be tricky. When looking up symptoms you are experiencing you might become overwhelmed at the amount of serious conditions that you might think you may have, but in reality it could be anything as simple as the common cold. Why stress yourself out with thoughts that can have you feeling that the end is near. Instead visit your physician and let him do his job remember you are not a doctor. Now if your doctor has given you a diagnosis then its a whole different story. The Internet can be useful to look up information to educate yourself, and can serve as a second opinion. Just make sure that the sites you visit are reliable and not just any made up page from someone claiming to be a doctor.

So what are your thoughts people? do you believe that some individuals rely too much on the Internet for self diagnosing? do you think that some people stress out about certain conditions they think they may have? What about using the Internet for a second opinion? Do you think its a good idea?

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